A diverse business for a diverse world
Our group is a sizeable & diverse business offering an equally diverse range of goods and service.
> Please click the brand to link to their website and find out more <

Alloy Fabweld One of the largest specialists in Architectural Metalwork
General & back of house metalwork
Structural Steelwork
Sheet Metalwork
Architectural Glass
Rainscreen & general wall claddings
Flexi Group UK Modular construction & product focused business offering:
Flexi SQS Balconies
Flexi Verteka Core
Flexi Stair
Flexi Balustrade
Hunwick Engineering - Lead the field in specialist process & heavy engineering.
Supplying heavy process engineering to the Heavy Goods Vehicle & Construction sectors with a particular focus on modular processes and techniques.
Rebel Strength - Specialists in high quality gym, fitness and strength equipment.
Engineered in the UK with 100% British steel.The strength behind Strongman.
Livin Art - Craft hand-made uniquely bespoke metal sculptures.
Crafted for individuals, workplace, offices, lobbies that make a real impact.
Patrons of Art - Have a simple goal to uncover, nurture & elevate great art.
Supporting up and coming great artists.
Whether emerging, established, or; Rockstars.

Hashtag Big Smile - Our charity arm.
'changing our world, one smile at a time'
Provides team building projects with businesses that help to build communities & CSR in return.
If you require our support for your projects or require hard copies of our brochures or any further information on the above, please contact: les.purdy@alloyfabweld.com, or call our office on : 01371 878 600
To support our clients existing and new projects or opportunities, Alloy Fabweld have created a business resilience team to provide ongoing Technical, Design and Estimating support during the Covid-19 lock down
Alloy Fabweld have created work from home platforms and are ensuring the safety of our teams by complying with enhanced Covid-19 measures currently in force in our offices and on construction sites where still open.